Innovator in the Spotlight: Giel Oosterbos | How will road traffic evolve in the future, and how can emergency services benefit from this evolution? I'm Giel, an EngD graduate from the SmartTwo+ project, and these were the overarching questions that have been puzzling me for the past two years. | READ MORE >> |
 | Energetic start of 2023 | We are only two months into 2023 and so much has already happened! For Janne, as the new managing director, these are intensive weeks: full of getting to know all the people who have a warm heart for us and who discuss and share their thoughts with us as critical friends, such as our partners at Fontys, TNO and TU/e, our advisors and our other Brainport partners. | READ MORE >> | Engine update |
Sustainable mouth/nose mask consortium successfully concluded | In January 2021, Eindhoven Engine began a consortium with SionBioText BV, specialist in FFP2 mouth/nose masks, and research institute TNO to develop and test a sustainable FFP2 mouth/nose mask for healthcare: the ProM mouth/nose mask. Our motivation was the global supply problem of FFP2 masks at the start of the corona pandemic in 2020 and the environmental impact of these masks. | CHECK IT OUT >> |
 | New to our team | Last month we welcomed our new EngD trainee and interns! We wish them a lot of success and a good time at Eindhoven Engine! Jessica Goss | EngD trainee | Emergence Lab project Low Literacy Asli Akozbek | Bachelor intern | Study of exponential strategies Kay Smits | Master intern | Making innovation speed tangible Merwa Oruc | Bachelor intern | Lifelong learning elements @ Eindhoven Engine Khouloude Jebari | Bachelor intern | Lifelong learning elements @ Eindhoven Engine
Business Model Innovation in an Exponential World course
started for EngD trainees | Following the Business Model Innovation course held in November 2022 Learning Officer Walter Baets started the next course with EngD trainees from TU/e on February 8. In the course they will learn to understand how to create impactful, scalable and economically viable solutions based on the potential of exponential technologies, and supporting participants in becoming leaders in their respective fields.
Are you curious about this course? | THEN WATCH THIS VIDEO >> | Project update |
Project videos Brains4Buildings | The built environment is responsible for about 36% of the global energy demand. About 5-30% of the energy of buildings is related to energy waste due to faults in heating, ventilation and airconditioning system. The goal is to develop a self-learning module that can monitor and diagnose climate systems in large buildings.
Generic, robust and reliable fault detection & diagnosis tool Rick Kramer is the leader of this project and Srinivasan is one of his PhD candidates. In this video Rick and Srinivasan explains the advantages of working within Eindhoven Engine and how they develop a generic robust and reliable fault detection and diagnosis tool. This tool can help in early detection of these faults and eliminate the energy wastage. | WATCH VIDEO >> |
 | Personalized control system in an office environment Within this Brains4Buildings project EngD trainee Petros is focussing on the people within large buildings. He does research in the controls and the functionality of a personalized control system, that people will be able to use in their office environment to tailor it according to their needs and preferences.
TU/e Career Expo | - Date: 7 & 8 March 2023
- Time: 09:00 - 17:00
- Location: Atlas and Auditorium, TU/e Campus
| MORE INFO >> |
Project updates | - Date: 23 March 2023
- Time: 09:00 - 10:00
- Location: Disruptor, TU/e Campus
| MORE INFO >> |
Fontys Engineers Meet & Match | - Date: 18 April 2023
- Time: 09:00 - 16:00
- Location: Van der Valk Hotel, Eindhoven
| MORE INFO >> |