| From Unlikely to Unstoppable: Embracing Diversity in the Building Industry | “I never saw myself working at Kropman,” Shalika Walker confesses. “And honestly, I might not have hired Shalika,” Joep van der Velden admits, seated beside her. “But how the OpenCall of Eindhoven Engine changed things. We’ve now created a new position within Kropman specifically to bring Shalika on board,” says Joep with a big smile. | READ MORE >> |
Human-data interaction to enhance office well-being | Hi, my name is Hans Brombacher and I am a 4th year Industrial Design Ph.D. candidate. My work focuses on the topic of Human-data interaction to enhance office well-being and is part of the POWEr FITTing project of Eindhoven Engine.
I have set up three case studies to demonstrate the importance of human-centered design in workplace sensing technologies.
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Help us to optimize our events! | Eindhoven Engine organizes different events that are of great importance to the organization.
"Now, we have a new goal to further optimize these events!"
We, Carlijn van Zijll Langhout and Zita Lokin, second-year Avans Business Innovation students, are currently working on this optimization. Our goal is to elevate the events of Eindhoven Engine to a higher level, and we could really use your help!
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 | Flashback Hack2Impact | Energy Transition | The Hack2Impact | Energy Transition was fantastic! The teams were super enthusiast and they generated great proposals. Currently, the winning teams are now taking the next steps in, including an initial meeting with the challenge owner and following the Business Model Innovation workshop led by our Wicked Problem Officer, Walter Baets.
Eager to get a glimpse into the dynamic athmosphere of our hackathon? Check out the photos here!
Fontys Meet & Match 2024 | - Date: Tuesday 23 april 2024
- Time: 09:00-16:00
- Location: Klokgebouw 50, 5617 AB Eindhoven
The annual Fontys event serves as a platform for connecting companies with students from Fontys Engineering, Technical Business Administration, Technical Physics, and Applied Science.
On this day this event helps us to find the best matches with students, primarily for internships or graduation assignments, but also for potential (side) job opportunities. Eindhoven Engine is once again joining this year.
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| - Date: Wednesday 29 May 2024
- Time: 16:00 - 19:00
- Location: building Disruptor TU/e Campus
During our birthday party, we'll share the milestones, successes, and challenges we've experienced within the organization and our projects. Come join the festivities, which include our Disrupt Your Life series. This promises an afternoon of celebration, where we'll introduce our next steps as we transition from technology push to society pull, offering an opportunity to embrace disruption. Be inspired to inject some disruption into your daily life, both personally and professionally, and explore innovative approaches to overcoming challenges. |
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High Tech Discovery Route | Take a look in the high-tech kitchen of the Brainport region
- Date: Saturday 8 June 2024
- Time: 10:00 – 16:00
- Location: TU/e Campus
On June 8 2024, the High Tech Discovery Route will take place in the Brainport region. Brainport Industries Campus, Stichting Hightech Helmond – de Peel, High Tech Campus, GEA, Fontys & TU/E and other tech companies & locations are open for visitors to take a look into the high-tech kitchen of the Brainport region. Eindhoven Engine will take part. Meet us at the TU/e Campus.
All ages will see, experience and witness how technology contributes to our daily lives.
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